Saturday, February 26, 2011

BG's Cafe

BG's Coffee Shop & Deli
428S ‘A’ Street
Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 487-0700

Gary    This is when you know you’re a biker to the core and in need of breakfast. I arrived at Hope’s about 10:30AM (yea, another late start. I am working on it, damn it) and the sky and the weather forecast was calling for rain to start about 2PM. It was cold, cloudy and windy but we looked at each other and said, if were going to do this ‘ride 2 eat’ thing, let’s get on our bikes and go. Plus I was hungry so not much stands in the way of a good meal.

Hope   Waiting for Gary is often a true test of my patience; it’s no wonder his pet of choice is a turtle!! Once he pulls up, he informs me of the 2:00 forecast and my first thought is to go to the closest restaurant as by this time, I am so hungry that I feel my stomach lining eating itself! Once we’re flying down the 126, my thoughts turn to really wanting to try out a new restaurant. I look to the sky and it’s cloudy in one direction and not so cloudy in another. Since I am always the one who leads, it’s up to me to make the decision…new food/get rained on...what to do, what to do… to hell with it...let’s ride!!

Gary    In spite of the weather, the ride was nice. Of course, when I am on my bike that is where life is always good.  Plus, Hope is the best road captain when it comes to the back roads of Ventura County. I don’t know how she does it but I don’t really care. The scenery is always very cool and I don’t have to think. I am a road captain with my club so I think enough with them plus following a chick on a bike is the really ‘nice’ part of the scenery.

Hope   I tell Gary we’re about a half hour away from breakfast..and we’re headed to Oxnard. He brags how he has a windshield, leg guards, blah, bah, blah. I don’t have any of that shit or rain gear, and I‘m still not chickening out. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?  I get rained on, catch pneumonia, and spend a month in bed eating soup?? Screw it!!

We follow the 126 to Wells Road and head south through Saticoy. We turn right at Vineyard and take a left on Oxnard Boulevard. After a quick right onto 4th street and a let onto A Street, we’ve arrived. We park right in front and begin the arduous task of wrestling out of our leathers.

I walk inside and for a minute, I thought I was invisible. I’m standing in front of the hostess and it’s as if she’s staring blankly into space. Not a good sign. After she snaps back to reality, she leads us through the restaurant (the place is massive) and sears us in a big corner booth.

Gary    Once inside of BG’s, we noticed they still had Valentine’s Day balloons tied to the tables. Ahhh, that was two weeks ago. Anyway, I thought that was a little strange but we didn’t have to wait. They don’t have a counter, but we got a huge booth and sat down.

We didn’t wait that long before a waitress showed up. We ordered coffee, looked at the menu and noticed they had a mixture of American & Mexican breakfast dishes. Since I am such a creature of habit and I am on this quest to find the best corned beef hash around, I ordered the usual. I did ask if it was homemade because if its not, whats the point. I was told it was. Hmmmmm....

Hope   The décor had a lot to be desired but I figure—we’re here for the food, not the art work but still…it would have been nice if it were more inviting. The Valentine’s Day decorations weren’t doing it for me for several reasons. I HATE VALENTINE’S DAY. As Gary says, “It’s an annoyance and it makes people feel guilty about doing something they should be doing all the time.” If you love/care about someone, do NOT wait until February 14th to let them know! And don’t feel obligated to follow society’s rules of flowers, chocolates, etc. Once upon a time, someone insisted in getting me a Valentine’s Day gift and well, being a bit more practical and not caught up the materialistic game, I opted for new tires for my bike. Now there’s a real present!!

Gary    While we were waiting, we were checking the place out and on the wall across from our table there was a clock on the wall that was backwards. Pretty cool actually, but I am glad I don’t indulge in my old habits anymore or I would have thought I was tripping. While we were waiting our coffee cups became empty and since now we are spoiled by our other adventures, our patience level is nill. So Hope had to get the coffee pot and refill us. Now you can imagine what that puts in Hope’s head. I will let her tell you.

Hope   My coffee cup needs to be refilled and there is not a waitress in sight. Several minutes go by and now I’m getting irritated. So, I walk over to the coffee machine and grab the pot. On the way back to our booth I also fill the cups of other diners. I am not impressed with this place!!

Gary    Now I have told you before that I am a pain in the ass when it comes to my eggs. When I say over easy, that is what I mean... Well, these weren’t over easy, they were over medium, the potatoes were medicore at best and I don’t care what they say, the corned beef hash was not homemade even though the waitress repeated it many times. If it is they have the canned companies hash down pat. The bread was just store bought bread, the jams and jellies were in packages, so to me this is equal to Denny’s. Not bad, but certainly nothing special. To be fair, their Mexican breakfast may be much better because they do have one homemade hash. It is made with chorizo and I have to say that was really good. But if you’re going to have both types of food on the menu, make them both good.

Hope   My breakfast was eggs over hard, home fries, and an english muffin with a side of country gravy and it looks like Denny’s special!  I looked over at Gary’s hash and it doesn’t look anything like Pete’s, Allison’s or Café 126. It looks, well, like it was just popped out of a can and warmed. I take a look at the expression on Gary’s face and I know this is not going to be good.

We finish eating what we are now referring to as Denny’s breakfast and we’re sorely disappointed. Gary decides to order some chorizo hash and we’re again assured by the waitress that it is homemade. So, were served another breakfast and sure enough, it is….and it’s delicious. We assume this is one of those places where the Mexican breakfasts are better than the American versions.

All in all, it was a pretty ride, we didn’t get caught in the rain, our bellies were full, but the only thing outstanding about his place was the chorizo hash. I give it a 4 (out of 10) …..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cafe 126

Hope      Last Sunday was damn cold…and from the look of things, there weren’t a whole heck of a lot of bikers that ventured out past their front doors. When I walked out of my house to meet Gary, the thermometer registered a whopping 50 degrees. By the time we met up, it had risen all the way to 58! Yea, no wonder we were the only bikers on the road!
Gary       The previous night’s rain produced a spectacular day of riding. The sky was deep blue, the crops were vivid green, and the mountains proudly displayed their snow-covered peaks. Hope picked a scenic route that provided all of these wonderful displays of nature. And yes it was damn cold…but again, I have a windshield, heated grips, a faring, and lots of extra shit on the bike to keep an old man like me warm.

Hope      We decided to return to a local place we had eaten at numerous times before, Café 126. From Fillmore, it’s a very short ride to the west and we opted to take the 126 to the 150 and head north a few blocks. We stopped at the legendary statue of two motorcyclists (across the street from the historic Santa Paula train station) and learned the story behind the building of this very cool monument. We continued west on Santa Barbara Street and hung a right onto Cummings. As soon as we turned, the sweet smell of onions filled our senses. If we weren’t hungry before, then we certainly were now!! A little further on Cummings, we made a left onto Foothill Road and admired the beauty of the multi-colored rows of lettuces growing on the side of the road. When we got to Wells Road, we hung a left and then turned into the Chase parking lot; where Café 126 sits just on the other side.
Gary       Café 126 is one of those places that you were certainly miss if you stay on the 126 and quite honestly, I’m glad. It’s a small place, probably dating back to the 1940s or so. They have a counter that seats about 8, some booths, a few tables, and limited outdoor seating. In the past, the staff has always been awesome (including bringing us extra portions because I’m such a p-i-g when it comes to corned beef hash) and today was no exception. Melody helped us set up a table outside and within minutes, Summer brought us menus and fresh coffee.
We have been to Café 126 so many times that we could probably recite their menu from memory, but we were determined to order new things (somewhat so) and get a real feel for their comfort food. I got adventurous and ordered honey and wheat pancakes, scrambled eggs with onions and jalapenos, and, you guess it…corned beef hash. Much to my complete surprise, Hope brought along a generous portion of her homemade strawberry preserves, since Café 126 only offers Smucker’s.
Hope      I went for the bacon and cheese omelet, home fries, and English muffin and of course, county gravy.  The food was promptly delivered and it covered the entire table, leaving only room for our coffee cups and my camera.  I had made homemade strawberry preserves the previous evening and watched Gary cover his pancakes with it and then proceed to inhale almost everything in front of him. I tried the corned beef hash and it was truly excellent. It was tender and moist, crispy, and seasoned to perfection.  My omelet was fluffy and oozing with cheese with an ample amount of bacon. The potatoes were tender and flavorful and the gravy was thick with chunks of sausage and bacon throughout.  
Gary       Summer and Melody checked on us regularly and the meal was thoroughly enjoyable. While we digested the meal, we spoke with other patrons about our riding and choice of motorcycles and Hope invited a young girl to sit on her motorcycle. Her mother, not knowing we had invited her to do so, ran over with a look of hysteria on her face and yelled, “What are you doing?” “You can’t do that.” When she rounded the corner and saw us, we assured her it was alright. We took the same scenic drive back to Fillmore, stopping to take few pictures and riding back toward the snow-capped mountains….
Café 126 gets a 10!
Café 126                                                                                                                        11033 Citrus Drive                                                                                              Ventura, CA 93004  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pete's Breakfast House

Pete’s Breakfast Place

Hope      A few months ago, Pete’s was recommended to us by when Gary talked about the delicious corned beef hash he ordered at Café 126. I’m not a big corned beef hash person, but when I tried it at Café 126, I couldn’t imagine it being better anywhere else. And being creatures of habit made it even more difficult. Let’s face it—once you find something good, you usually stick with it. We finally agreed to give Pete’s a try and I have to tell you, while the food was wonderful, as was the coffee and service, the entire ‘event’ was a sitcom in the making.

Pete’s sits just a few minutes from downtown Ventura close to Ventura High School. From what we heard, the place has been there for awhile and changed hands over the years, the last owner (Dave or Dan or some other name that starts with a ‘D’) moving to Montana or Wyoming, or something like that.

Anyway, we pull up on our bikes and find a spot right in front of the front door and we see there’s a line to get in. We ask if the counter is available and grab a cup of coffee from the help-yourself counter just inside the door. Within a few minutes, we are seated. We look around and notice how quaint and pretty it is…lots of tables inside with lots of yummy-looking food on everyone’s plates.

I opt for scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage, English muffin, fruit and a side of country gravy. Gary ordered his usual (and yes, he’s such a creature of habit that I often order for him) 2 eggs over-easy, corned beef hash, potatoes with onions and peppers, and sour dough toast.

Gary       A few minutes later, an elderly woman sat down at the corner next to Hope and we both looked at each other and started to chuckle; we knew this was going to be trouble! A waitress walked by and asked us if we wanted to move to a table, but we graciously declined. After all…sitting at the counter and interacting with other patrons is part of the experience, right?

Almost immediately, we realize this is going to one dining experience we will be laughing at for a very long time. This woman (we refer to her as Jupiter) is, well, not all there. She’s talking to herself as well as anyone who momentarily walks by and has a very strange accent where she draws out the end of every word. We’re not being mean, but we really can’t keep straight faces at this point.

After the woman gets her order, she begins announcing how she is meeting the other ladies at the church at 1:00 (it is now 12:35) but has to take a cab because she couldn’t find her flat shoes and she’s in heels.  I mean, everyone knows that you want to wear your flat shoes, they are nowhere to be found, right?

Hope      I’m trying to eat and concentrating on keeping the food in my mouth while laughing at the same time, but it’s getting difficult. I then made the mistake of sneaking a peek at her shoes and was punished by also being able to see her feet and her toes. Since this is a blog about food, I will refrain from sharing with you what I saw but let’s just say it wasn’t pretty!

Gary       Anyway, Jupiter continues to announce that she needs a cab and now one of the waitresses is frantically looking through a mountain of business cards to find the phone number for a taxi service. After 10 minutes of this and laughing so hard I thought Hope was going to puke, I got out my cell phone to see if I could help. The first listing, for Ventura Taxi, informed us they have no cabs in the Ventura area (go figure). The second listing was out of business (more laughter). Finally, the third said they’d be at Pete’s in the next 10 minutes.

Hope      By this time, we’re laughing so hard we’re crying and trying not to let on why.  The commotion at the counter is beyond description and in the middle of everything, Gary knocked his glass of ice water into his lap. The waitress, Olivia, rushes over with a towel and kindly explains he can use the towel, but can’t offer to help him clean up the mess. We are now besides ourselves and in jeopardy of not being able to catch our breath!

The cab arrives and Jupiter exits, giving the waitress a very generous $1.00 tip. Gary is now talking to the owner who isn’t sure whether he should charge us double or comp our meals. We just want out!!!

In retrospect, the service was magnificent and the food and coffee were excellent. Gary gave his breakfast the thumbs up and mine was equally as good. Pete’s also has homemade strawberry preserves that are to die for. We are still laughing about Jupiter and the grand finale being Gary’s spill…and can’t wait to go back!

Pete’s Breakfast House                                                                                                                                                                2055 E Main St
Ventura, CA 93001

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Allison's Country Cafe

Gary       Today’s ride took us to the city of Ventura. It was a beautiful morning that got off to a late start because I am slower than molasses in the morning. Hope is very patient with me, thank God. One thing about us that we totally share is our passion and love of riding Harley Davidson Motorcycles. As you probably noticed,  she rides her own Road King; no getting on the bitch seat for her. I probably would wind up there before her but that story is for another day. 

The other thing is food, not just everyday food; but great food. Just to give you some personal insight, Hope is a tremendous cook. She is a hard case when it comes to finding good food because of that. Me, I just love good food and a good portion of it. We both enjoy the adventure of finding that little cool spot with atmosphere, good service, good coffee, and a well prepared breakfast. Today we will start with “Allison’s Country Café”.                                       
I live in Northridge, which Hope refers to it as civilization, so I took the 118 Freeway to Moorpark and the 23 through Grimes Canyon to Fillmore. It’s a really cool ride through the canyon which is filled with orange and lemon orchards along the route. When they are in bloom the smells are outstanding. What a great way to start the day. Hope already lives in the middle of farmland, so we met in Fillmore and we headed down the 126 toward Ventura. We found ourselves alone on a quiet 2-lane road lined with avocado and orange trees and the amazing fragrance of orange blossoms.

Hope      One of the reasons I moved to the farm (as I like to call it), was to return to simplicity. I don’t like traffic, congestion, or strip malls on every corner. I like nature and interacting with people. I also live to ride wonderful back roads that don’t reflect signs of civilization. Along those same lines, I shy away from eating at corporate restaurants…Denny’s, IHOP, Carrows, etc. I want to find those mom & pop restaurants that make you feel like you can leave your coffee cup there and stop by anytime for a refill. As Gary said, I am pretty good in the kitchen, so when I go out to eat, I want something I don’t or won’t make.  And let's face it...I want to be waited on and not have to do the dishes!

Gary       Right from pulling up at the place, we saw a line to get in. That’s usually a good sign but not fool-proof. The parking here is a little bit of a challenge because you have to find a spot on the street, but hey, we’re bikers, we always find a spot. Upon walking in to put our names on the list, we noticed how cool the inside was. The people who work there were immediately friendly and welcoming and I can’t tell you how important that is to us.

Hope      I like people with personality. If I walk into an establishment and am ignored, given the cold shoulder, or come in contact with someone who acts like they just lost their best friend, then I would prefer to turn around and go elsewhere. Walking into Allison’s was like coming to grandma’s house, just with a whole lot of other people! We were greeted and our names added to the list. Luckily for us, none of the other people on the list wanted to sit at the counter, so within 5 minutes, we had a front-row seat and lots of attention from the waitresses.

Gary       I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur when it comes to corned beef hash. It is one of my favorite breakfast foods and I have tried it all over the country. I am picky about the quality, how it is made and what they use in it. I do not eat the shit that comes out of a can!! Allison’s corned beef hash is made from scratch and I have to say, it is delicious. They use fresh corned beef and their own mixture of herbs, spices and vegetables. I am also a bit of a fanatic when it comes to how my eggs are cooked. When I say “over easy,” that is exactly what I mean. So many places don’t get that. Anyway, Allison’s cooked them perfectly, along with the home fried potatoes, the delicious sourdough bread and great coffee; the meal was just over the top.  I will let Hope tell you about the homemade biscuits and raspberry preserves.

Hope      I made the big mistake of forgetting my reading glasses, so I was limited in what I could actually see on the menu, so I settled for an avocado and cheese omelet, home fried potatoes, and English muffin with a side of gravy and fresh fruit.  I’m not much of a biscuit person which is why I prefer an English muffin with my country gravy. During our meal, Sally (one of the owners) must have overheard us talking about that and brought over a biscuit for us to try. Wow!  Big points for that one!!  Seriously--how many restaurants bring over food for you to try?? O.K…so I tear off a piece of the biscuit and taste. This is not your typical wasn’t heavy and dense. In fact, it was more like a cross between a fluffy biscuit and a dinner roll; it was light and slightly sweet... and I loved it!! Not only are their biscuits homemade (they are not drop biscuits but rather, made with yeast and allowed to rise), but they also make their own raspberry preserves (although a better description would be crushed raspberries in a jar). At that point, I had a hard time figuring out if I wanted country gravy or raspberry preserves on the remainder of my biscuit!

The fruit plate consisted of fresh melon (cantaloupe and watermelon), grapes, bananas and blackberries. The omelet was fluffy with two kinds of cheese and plenty of avocado. The potatoes were perfectly seasoned and cispy. I'm primarily a tea drinker, but decided to have you know it was good!!

Our coffee cups were always full (they also leave a carafe of coffee on the table for you), there was no shortage of staff to make sure everything was perfect, and the food was really, really good. And I already know what I’m ordering next time…biscuits and gravy topped with crumbled sausage and bacon!!!

All in all, Allison’s gets a *10*…between the good coffee, unbelievable food, and great service. If you ride over, tell Sally we sent ya’… and enjoy!!

Allison’s Country Café
3429 Telegraph Road
Ventura, CA 93003-3314
(805) 644-9072

Friday, February 18, 2011


Since this is our first article, we thought we would tell you a little bit about us.

Gary: I have been riding bikes since I was seventeen. When I moved to California from NY in ’71 that was one of the first things I did, buy a bike. I ride every day and have traveled around most of the country, from Sturgis, to Milwaukee, to Washington State. The bike you see above had 104,000 miles on it (I did that in 4 years) before trading it in for my new ride, a 2010 Ultra Classic Limited. And if you think that’s a lot, wait till you read Hope’s story.

I have worked in the entertainment industry for the last 38 years, which has afforded me the opportunity to travel the world and get paid for it! I live in the San Fernando Valley with my pet turtle, Woodley, have a couple of adult kids and live a somewhat normal life for a biker.

Hope: I’ve only been riding since 1996 but don’t let that fool you. I’ve ridden across and around the country (including Canada and Mexico) and the only states I haven’t seen from my own two wheels are West Virginia, Kentucky, and Florida. My first 4 years of riding tallied around 180,000 miles and that was on a hard tail. Having paid those dues, I’m now on a Road King and well, I live to ride!!

During the day, I am a mild-mannered psychotherapist specializing in at-risk and high-risk kids; my clientele includes those who are incarcerated or on probation. People joke that you never see a Harley in front of a therapist’s office and I always tell them, “unless it belongs to the therapist!!!!” I live in the middle of an agricultural community in Ventura County and like Gary, live ‘somewhat’ of a normal life..for a biker chick!!

Gary & I met a little over a year ago and ride together frequently. Unlike most bikers, we're not into the bar-hopping scene or posing. We bought 'em to ride 'em!!  We also share a love for good food and having both been born and raised on the east coast, share a passion for those hole-in-the-wall mom & pop restaurants that make you feel like you're at home (complete with whacky patrons). 

Mind you, we've been riding and eating and riding to eat for quite awhile, but we thought it would be cool to share our experiences with others.  We hope you'll enjoy reading our adventures and stopping in to try some of the cafes and restaurants we mention. And let them know that Hope & Gary sent ya'......

Ride safe and eat well!!

H & G